
Artikel in wissenschaftlichen Fachzeitschriften

  1. Wollburg, E. (2016). Mental Healthcare in Germany. Stars & Stripes Medical Guide.
  2. Kästner, D., Gumz, A., Osen, B., Voderholzer, U., Wollburg, E., Karacic, M., Meyer, B., Rose, M., & Löwe, B. (2015). Predictors of outcome and length of stay in inpatients with anorexia nervosa – A prospective multi-center study. Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics, 84(4),255-257.
  3. Kim, S., Wollburg, E., & Roth, W. (2015). Effects of therapeutic relationship, expectancy and credibility in two breathing therapies of anxiety. The Bulletin of the Menninger Clinic, 79(2),116-130.
  4. Gumz, A., Kästner, D., Raczka, K., Weigel, A., Osen, B., Rose, M., Meyer, B., Wollburg, E., Voderholzer, U., Karacic, M., Vettorazzi, E., Löwe, B. (2015). Aggregating factors of the change process in the treatment of anorexia nervosa. Eating Behaviors, June(19),81-85.
  5. Herzog, A., Voigt, K., Meyer, B., Wollburg, E., Weinmann, N., Langs, G., & Löwe, B. (2015). Psychological and interactional characteristics of patients with somatoform disorders: Validation of the Somatic Symptoms Experiences Questionnaire (SSEQ). Journal of Psychosomatic Research, June,78(6),553-562.
  6. Voigt, K., Herzog, A., Langs, G., Wollburg, E., & Löwe, B. (2013). What does the Diagnosis say about the Course of the Disease? Predictive Validity of the DSM-5-Design Somatic Symptom Disorder, individual psychological Characteristics as well as the psychotherapeutic Alteration of these Features. Zeitschrift fur Psychosomatische Medizin und Psychotherapie.
  7. Voigt, K., Wollburg, E., Weinmann, N., Herzog, A., Meyer, B., Langs, G. & Löwe, B. (2013). Predictive validity and clinical utility of DSM-5 Somatic Symptom Disorder: prospective 1-year follow-up study. Journal of Psychosomatic Research, October,75(4), 358-361.
  8. Harbeck, S., Kliem, S., Wollburg, E., Braukhaus, C., & Kröger, C. (2013). Remission, Response und deren Prädiktion bei stationären Depressionspatienten. Psychotherapie – Psychosomatik – Medizinische Psychologie, 63, 272-279.
  9. Wollburg, E., Meyer, B., Osen, B., Löwe, B. (2013). Psychological change mechanisms in anorexia nervosa. How much do we know? Journal of Clinical Psychology, July, 69(7), 762-773.
  10. Braukhaus, C., Wollburg, E., & Langs, G. (2013). Der benachteiligte Mann? Analysen zur (Gleich-)Behandlung von Männern und Frauen mit Depression (Equal Treatment of male and female depressed patients). Verhaltenstherapie, 23(2), 69-132.
  11. Kröger, C., Harbeck, S., Rickert, I., Wollburg, E., Gersch, K., Armbrust, M., & Kliem, S. (2013). Remission, Response und deren Prädiktion nach einer Dialektisch-Behavioralen Therapie der Borderline-Persönlichkeitsstörung im stationären Setting (Remission, Response and its prediction after dialectical-behavioral therapy for borderline personality disorder in an inpatient setting). Zeitschrift für Klinische Psychologie und Psychotherapie, 42(1), 45-54.
  12. Wollburg, E., Herzog, A., Braukhaus, C., Voigt, K., & Löwe, B. (2013). Construct validity and descriptive validity of somatoform disorders in light of proposed changes for the DSM-5. Journal of Psychosomatic Research, 74, 18-24.
  13. Voigt, K., Wollburg, E., Weinmann, N., Herzog, A., Langs, G. & Löwe, B. (2012). Predictive validity and clinical utility of DSM-5 Somatic Symptom Disorder – comparison with DSM-IV somatoform disorders and additional criteria for consideration. Journal of Psychosomatic Research, 73, 345-350.
  14. Kim, S., Wollburg, E., & Roth, W.T. (2012). Opposing Breathing Therapies for Panic Disorder: A randomized controlled trial of lowering vs. raising end-tidal pCO2. Journal of Clinical Psychiatry, Aug, 73(7), 931-939.
  15. Spitzer, C., Wollburg, E., Aalderink, T., Jungbluth, G., & Armbrust, M. (2011). Dissoziation bei Borderline-Persönlichkeitsstörung: Häufigkeit, klinische Korrelate und Bedeutung für die Therapie. Neuro Aktuell, 8, 20-24.
  16. Wollburg, E., Roth, W.T., Meuret, A.E., & Kim, S. (2011). Effects of Breathing Training on Voluntary Hypo- and Hyperventilation in Patients with Panic Disorder and Episodic Anxiety. Applied Psychophysiology and Biofeedback, Jun, 36(2), 81-91.
  17. Doberenz, S., Roth, W.T., Maslowski, N., Wollburg, E., & Kim, S. (2011). Methodological Considerations in Ambulatory Skin Conductance Monitoring. International Journal of Psychophysiology, 80(2), 87-95.
  18. Doberenz, S., Roth, W.T., Wollburg, E., Breuninger, C., & Kim, S. (2010). Twenty-four Hour Skin Conductance in Panic Disorder. Journal of Psychiatric Research, 44, 1137-1147.
  19. Wollburg, E., & Braukhaus, C. (2010). Goal setting in psychotherapy: The relevance of approach and avoidance goals for treatment outcome. Psychotherapy Research, 20(4), 488-494.
  20. Wollburg, E., Roth, W.T., & Kim, S. (2009). Non-invasive Measurement of Voluntary Modification of Respiration: Transcutaneous versus End-tidal pCO2. International Journal of Psychophysiology, 71(2), 103-108.
  21. Wollburg, E., Roth, W.T., Conrad, A., Meuret, A.E., & Kim, S. (2008). Psychophysiological Reactions to two Levels of Voluntary Hyperventilation in Panic Disorder. Journal of Anxiety Disorder, 22(5), 886-898.
  22. Roth, W.T., Doberenz, S., Dietel, A., Conrad, A., Mueller, A., Wollburg, E., Meuret, A.E., Taylor, C.B., & Kim, S. (2008). Sympathetic Activation in Broadly Defined Generalized Anxiety Disorder. Journal of Psychiatric Research, 42(3), 205-12.
  23. Wollburg, E., Kim, S., Conrad, A., & Roth, W.T. (2007). Physiological Evaluation of Psychological Treatments for Anxiety. Expert Review of Neurotherapeutics, 7(2), 129-141.
  24. Wollburg, E., Roth, W.T., Conrad, A., Mueller, A., Doberenz, S., Meuret, A.E., & Kim, S. (2007). Are the Psychophysiological Responses to Voluntary Hyperventilation diagnostically specific to Panic Disorder? Depression and Anxiety, 24 (5), 371-373.
  25. Conrad, A., Mueller, A., Doberenz, S., Meuret, A.E., Wollburg, E., Kim, S., &, Roth, W.T. (2007). Psychophysiological Effects of Breathing Instructions for Stress Management. Applied Psychophysiology and Biofeedback, 32 (2), 89-98.


  1. Wollburg, E. (2016). Mental Healthcare in Germany – Opening a Private Practice. Annual conference of the Korean Clinical Psychology Association, Seoul, Korea.
  2. Harbeck, S., Kliem, S., Wollburg, E., Braukhaus, C., & Kröger, C. (2013). Remission, Response und deren Prädiktion bei stationären Depressionspatienten. Poster, Deutscher Kongress für Psychosomatische Medizin und Psychotherapie, Berlin, Germany.
  3. Voigt, K., Herzog, A., Langs, G., Wollburg, E., Weinmann, N., & Löwe, B. (2013). Was sagt die Diagnose über den Krankheitsverlauf? Prädiktive Validität des DSM-5-Entwurfs Somatic Symptom Disorder. Vortrag, Deutscher Kongress für Psychosomatische Medizin und Psychotherapie, Munich, Germany.
  4. Spitzer, C. , Wollburg, E., Aalderink, T., Woitag, R., & Armbrust, M. (2012). Königreich der Frauen, Land ohne Männer? Geschlechtsspezifika der Borderline-Persönlichkeitsstörung. Vortrag, Deutscher Kongress für Psychosomatische Medizin und Psychotherapie, Munich, Germany.
  5. Voigt, K., Nagel, A., Langs, G., Wollburg, E., Weinmann, N., Schmid, M., & Löwe, B. (2012). Vergleich bisheriger und zukünftiger Klassifikation somatoformer Störungen hinsichtlich Validität und Patientencharakteristika. Vortrag, Deutscher Kongress für Psychosomatische Medizin und Psychotherapie, Munich, Germany.
  6. Voigt, K., Nagel, A., Langs, G., Wollburg, E., Weinmann, N., Schmid, M., & Löwe, B. (2012). Diagnostic validity of complex somatic symptom disorder: Which combination of psychological criteria is best suited for DSM-V? Poster, Deutscher Kongress für Psychosomatische Medizin und Psychotherapie, Munich, Germany.
  7. Spitzer, C., Wollburg, E., Woitag, R., Aalderink, T., & Armbrust, M. (2011). Königreich der Frauen, Land ohne Männer? Geschlechtsspezifika der Borderline-Persönlichkeitsstörung. Poster, Deutscher Kongress für Psychosomatische Medizin und Psychotherapie, Essen, Germany.
  8. Nagel, A., Voigt, K., Langs, G., Wollburg, E., Weinmann, N., Schmid, M., & Löwe, B. (2011). Erfassung psychischer Symptome bei Patienten mit Somatoformen Störungen: Der Somatic Symptoms Experiences Questionnaire (SSEQ). Vortrag, Deutscher Kongress für Psychosomatische Medizin und Psychotherapie, Essen, Germany.
  9. Voigt, K., Nagel, A., Langs, G., Wollburg, E., Weinmann, N., Schmid, M., & Löwe, B. (2011). Von DSM-IV zu DSM-5: Vergleich bisheriger und zukünftiger Klassifikation somatoformer Störungen hinsichtlich Validität und Patientencharakteristika. Vortrag, Deutscher Kongress für Psychosomatische Medizin und Psychotherapie, Essen, Germany.
  10. Spitzer, C., Aalderink. T., Wollburg, E., Jungbluth, G., Löwe, B., Armbrust, M. (2010). Dissoziation bei der Borderline-Persönlichkeitsstörung: Häufigkeit, klinische Korrelate und Bedeutung für die Therapie. Poster, Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychiatrie, Psychotherapie und Nervenheilkunde (DGPPN), Berlin, Germany.
  11. Meyer, B., Osen, B., Wollburg, E., Schedler, K., Sonntag, M., & Löwe, B. (2010). Emotionale Akzeptanz als Wirkfaktor in der stationären Behandlung der Anorexia Nervosa: Prospektive naturalistische Studie. Vortrag, Deutsches Kollegium für Psychosomatische Medizin, Berlin, Germany.
  12. Nagel, A., Voigt, K., Meyer, B., Langs, G., Braukhaus, C., Wollburg, E., Weinmann, N., & Löwe, B. (2010). Somatoforme Störungen im DSM-5: Entwicklung eines Selbstbeurteilungsinstrumentes zur Fallidentifikation, Schweregradmessung und Verlaufsbeurteilung. Vortrag, Deutsches Kollegium für Psychosomatische Medizin, Berlin, Germany.
  13. Osen, B., & Wollburg, E., (2009). Effectiveness of a Multimodal Behavioral Inpatient Treatment for Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. Symposium, Annual Conference of the German Association for Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, Berlin, Germany.
  14. Kim, S., Wollburg, E., Tesler, N., & Roth, W.T. (2009). Effects of Capnometer-Assisted Breathing Therapy on Sleep in Panic Disorder Patients. Poster, 42nd Annual Conference of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, New York, USA.
  15. Doberenz, S., Roth, W.T., Wollburg, E., Breuninger, C., & Kim, S. (2009). Twenty-four hour skin conductance in panic disorder patients and healthy controls. Poster, 42nd Annual Conference of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, New York, USA.
  16. Doberenz, S., Kim, S., Wollburg, E., Maslowski, N.I., & Roth, W.T. (2009). Long-Term Electrodermal Recording: Examining Confounding Influences. Poster, 49th Annual Conference of the Society for Psychophysiological Research, Berlin, Germany.
  17. Kim, S., Wollburg, E., Tesler, N., & Roth, W.T. (2009). Effects of Breathing Therapy on sleep in Panic Disorder. Poster, 117th Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association, Toronto, Canada.
  18. Doberenz, S, Kim, S., Wollburg, E., Maslowski, N., & Roth, W.T. (2009). Confounding influences on long-term electrodermal recording. Poster, 40th Annual Conference of the International Society of Psychoneuroendocrinology, San Francisco, USA.
  19. Kim, S. & Wollburg, E., (2009). Breathing Therapy to Raise vs. Lower End-tidal pCO2 to treat Panic Disorder. Vortrag, 29th Annual Convention of the Anxiety Disorders Association of America, Santa Ana Pueblo, USA.
  20. Doberenz, S., Roth, W.T., Wollburg, E., Breuninger, C., & Kim, S. (2009). Twenty-four hour Skin Conductance in Panic Disorder. Poster, 29th Annual Convention of the Anxiety Disorders Association of America, Santa Ana Pueblo, USA.
  21. Wollburg, E., Roth, W.T., Meuret, E., & Kim, S. (2008). Psychophysiological Effects of Respiratory Challenges in Anxious Patients before and after Breathing Training. Poster, 41st Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, Orlando, USA.
  22. Kim, S., Roth, W.T., Duca, L., Joyce, E., & Wollburg, E. (2008). Effect of Biofeedback Assisted Breathing Training on PTSD Symptoms. Poster, 41st Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, Orlando, USA.
  23. Kim, S., Wollburg, E., Meuret, A. E., S. Sauvé, J., & Roth, W. T. (2008). Does Capnometer-assisted Breathing Therapy Work in Episodic Anxiety by Changing Cognition? Poster, 41st Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, Orlando, USA.
  24. Kim, S, Wollburg, E., Yiaslas, T., & Roth, W. T. (2008). Effects of therapeutic relationship, expectancy, and credibility on treatment outcome. Poster, 116th Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association, Boston, USA.
  25. Kim, S, Meuret, A. E., Wollburg, E., & Roth, W. T. (2008). Breathing Therapy by Raising vs. Lowering End-tidal pCO2 to Treat Panic Disorder. Vortrag, 28th Annual Convention of the Anxiety Disorders Association of America, Savannah, USA.
  26. Kim, S., Wollburg, E., Meuret, A. E., S. Sauvé, J., & Roth, W. T. (2008). Raising vs. Lowering End-Tidal pCO2 to Treat Anxiety Attacks. Poster, 28th Annual Convention of the Anxiety Disorders Association of America, Savannah, USA.
  27. Kim, S, Wollburg, E., & Roth, W. T. (2007). Raising vs. Lowering End-Tidal pCO2 to Treat Panic Disorder Effects on Anxiety and Breathing Patterns. Poster, 41st Annual Meeting of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, Philadelphia, USA.
  28. Wollburg, E., Roth, W.T., Conrad, A., Meuret, E., & Kim, S. (2007). Psychophysiological Reactions to different levels of Hyperventilation among Panic Disorder. Poster, 115th Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association, San Francisco, USA.
  29. Kim, S., Roth, W.T., Duca, L., Joyce, E., & Wollburg, E., (2007). Anxiety Sensitivity, Trauma, and PTSD in Patients with Panic Disorder. Poster, 115th Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association, San Francisco, USA.
  30. Kim, S., Wollburg, E., Roth, W.T. (2007). Effects of Biofeedback Assisted Breathing Therapy on Anxiety and Relaxation of Panic Patients. Poster, 27th Anxiety Disorders Association of America, St. Louis, USA.
  31. Wollburg, E., Kim, S., Conrad, A., & Roth, W.T. (2007). Evaluating Psychological Anxiety Therapies Physiologically: A review. Vortrag, 38th Annual Meeting for the Applied Psychophysiology & Biofeedback, Monterey, USA.
  32. Kim, S., Meuret, A.E., Roth, W.T., & Wollburg, E., (2007). Raising vs. Lowering end-tidal pCO2 to treat Panic. Vortrag, 38th Annual Meeting for the Applied Psychophysiology & Biofeedback, Monterey, USA.
  33. Conrad, A., Kim, S., Wollburg, E., & Roth, W.T. (2007). Physiological Effects of Applied Relaxation in Generalized Anxiety Disorder. Vortrag, 38th Annual Meeting for the Applied Psychophysiology & Biofeedback, Monterey, USA.
  34. Wollburg, E., Kim, S., Conrad, A., & Roth, W.T. (2007). Evaluating Psychological Anxiety Therapies Physiologically. Vortrag, Psychiatric Research Society Annual Meeting, Salt Lake City, USA.
  35. Kim, S., Meuret, A.E., Roth, W.T., & Wollburg, E. (2007). Raising vs. Lowering end-tidal pCO2 to treat Panic. Vortrag, Psychiatric Research Society Annual Meeting, Salt Lake City, USA.
  36. Kim, S., Roth, W.T., & Wollburg, E. (2006). Effects of Biofeedback Assisted Breathing Therapy on Anxiety and Relaxation of Panic Patients. Poster, 40th Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, Chicago, USA.
  37. Kim, S., Roth, W.T., Duca, L., Joyce, E., Meuret, A.E., & Wollburg, E. (2006). Trauma, Panic Disorder, and PTSD. Poster, 22nd International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies, A., USA.
  38. Wollburg, E., Roth, W.T., Song, J.Y., Conrad, A., Meuret, E., & Kim, S. (2006). Psychophysiological Responses of Panic Patients and Controls to Voluntary Hyperventilation. Poster, 13th International Society for the Advancement of Respiratory Psychophysiology, Newport, USA.
  39. Wollburg, E., Roth, W.T., Conrad, A., Mueller, A., Doberenz, S., Meuret, E., & Kim, S. (2006). Are the Psychophysiological Responses to Voluntary Hyperventilation diagnostically specific to Panic Disorder? Poster, 26th Anxiety Disorders Association of America, Miami, USA.
  40. Roth, W.T., Doberenz, S., Mueller, A., Wollburg, E., Conrad, A., Taylor, C.B, & Kim, S. (2006). Generalized Anxiety Disorder: Whom are we missing? Vortrag, 26th Anxiety Disorders Association of America, Miami, USA.
  41. Roth, W.T., Kim, S., Wollburg, E., Conrad, A., Doberenz, S., Mueller, A., & Meuret, A.E. (2006). Breathing Training Therapies in Panic Disorder. Vortrag, 26th Anxiety Disorders Association of America, Miami, USA.
  42. Conrad, A., Mueller, A., Meuret, A.E., Doberenz, S., Wollburg, E., Kim, S., & Roth, W.T. (2006). Psychophysiological Effects of Breathing Instructions in Treatment Seekers with Panic Disorder or Chronic Tension. Poster, 26th Anxiety Disorders Association of America, Miami, USA.
  43. Conrad, A., Mueller, A., Meuret, A.E., Doberenz, S., Wollburg, E., Kim, S., & Roth, W.T. (2006). Breathing Instructions in Stress Management: What are the Psychophysiological Effects? Vortrag, Psychiatric Research Society Annual Meeting, Park City, USA.
  44. Roth, W.T., Kim, S., Wollburg, E., Conrad, A., Doberenz, S., Mueller, A., & Meuret, A.E. (2005). Breathing Training Therapies in Panic Disorder. Vortrag, 25th Anxiety Disorders Association of America, Seattle, USA.
  45. Wollburg, E., Roth, W. T., Conrad, A., Mueller, A., Doberenz, S., Meuret, A. E., & Kim, S. (2005). Psychophysiological Reactions to a Hyperventilation Test among Anxious Patients. Vortrag, 3rd Annual International Conference on Panic Attacks, Philadelphia, USA.
  46. Roth, W. T., Kim, S., Wollburg, E., Conrad, A., Doberenz, S., Mueller, A., & Meuret, A. E. (2005). Clinical Anxiety and Respiration: Palo Alto Studies in Progress. Vortrag, 12th Annual Meeting of the International Society for the Advancement of Respiratory Psychophysiology, Hamburg, Germany.
  47. Mueller, A., Roth, W. T., Conrad, A., Doberenz, S., Wollburg, E., Kim, S., & Meuret, A. E. (2005). Psychophysiological Responses to Breathing Instructions. Vortrag, 12th Annual Meeting of the International Society for the Advancement of Respiratory Psychophysiology, Hamburg, Germany.
  48. Roth, W. T., Doberenz, S., Mueller, A., Wollburg, E., Kim, S., & Meuret, A.E. (2005). A Sympathetic Indicator of Chronic Psychic Tension. Vortrag, 45th Annual Meeting of the Society for Psychophysiological Research, Lisbon, Portugal.