Artikel in wissenschaftlichen Fachzeitschriften
- Wollburg, E. (2016). Mental Healthcare in Germany. Stars & Stripes Medical Guide.
- Kästner, D., Gumz, A., Osen, B., Voderholzer, U., Wollburg, E., Karacic, M., Meyer, B., Rose, M., & Löwe, B. (2015). Predictors of outcome and length of stay in inpatients with anorexia nervosa – A prospective multi-center study. Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics, 84(4),255-257.
- Kim, S., Wollburg, E., & Roth, W. (2015). Effects of therapeutic relationship, expectancy and credibility in two breathing therapies of anxiety. The Bulletin of the Menninger Clinic, 79(2),116-130.
- Gumz, A., Kästner, D., Raczka, K., Weigel, A., Osen, B., Rose, M., Meyer, B., Wollburg, E., Voderholzer, U., Karacic, M., Vettorazzi, E., Löwe, B. (2015). Aggregating factors of the change process in the treatment of anorexia nervosa. Eating Behaviors, June(19),81-85.
- Herzog, A., Voigt, K., Meyer, B., Wollburg, E., Weinmann, N., Langs, G., & Löwe, B. (2015). Psychological and interactional characteristics of patients with somatoform disorders: Validation of the Somatic Symptoms Experiences Questionnaire (SSEQ). Journal of Psychosomatic Research, June,78(6),553-562.
- Voigt, K., Herzog, A., Langs, G., Wollburg, E., & Löwe, B. (2013). What does the Diagnosis say about the Course of the Disease? Predictive Validity of the DSM-5-Design Somatic Symptom Disorder, individual psychological Characteristics as well as the psychotherapeutic Alteration of these Features. Zeitschrift fur Psychosomatische Medizin und Psychotherapie.
- Voigt, K., Wollburg, E., Weinmann, N., Herzog, A., Meyer, B., Langs, G. & Löwe, B. (2013). Predictive validity and clinical utility of DSM-5 Somatic Symptom Disorder: prospective 1-year follow-up study. Journal of Psychosomatic Research, October,75(4), 358-361.
- Harbeck, S., Kliem, S., Wollburg, E., Braukhaus, C., & Kröger, C. (2013). Remission, Response und deren Prädiktion bei stationären Depressionspatienten. Psychotherapie – Psychosomatik – Medizinische Psychologie, 63, 272-279.
- Wollburg, E., Meyer, B., Osen, B., Löwe, B. (2013). Psychological change mechanisms in anorexia nervosa. How much do we know? Journal of Clinical Psychology, July, 69(7), 762-773.
- Braukhaus, C., Wollburg, E., & Langs, G. (2013). Der benachteiligte Mann? Analysen zur (Gleich-)Behandlung von Männern und Frauen mit Depression (Equal Treatment of male and female depressed patients). Verhaltenstherapie, 23(2), 69-132.
- Kröger, C., Harbeck, S., Rickert, I., Wollburg, E., Gersch, K., Armbrust, M., & Kliem, S. (2013). Remission, Response und deren Prädiktion nach einer Dialektisch-Behavioralen Therapie der Borderline-Persönlichkeitsstörung im stationären Setting (Remission, Response and its prediction after dialectical-behavioral therapy for borderline personality disorder in an inpatient setting). Zeitschrift für Klinische Psychologie und Psychotherapie, 42(1), 45-54.
- Wollburg, E., Herzog, A., Braukhaus, C., Voigt, K., & Löwe, B. (2013). Construct validity and descriptive validity of somatoform disorders in light of proposed changes for the DSM-5. Journal of Psychosomatic Research, 74, 18-24.
- Voigt, K., Wollburg, E., Weinmann, N., Herzog, A., Langs, G. & Löwe, B. (2012). Predictive validity and clinical utility of DSM-5 Somatic Symptom Disorder – comparison with DSM-IV somatoform disorders and additional criteria for consideration. Journal of Psychosomatic Research, 73, 345-350.
- Kim, S., Wollburg, E., & Roth, W.T. (2012). Opposing Breathing Therapies for Panic Disorder: A randomized controlled trial of lowering vs. raising end-tidal pCO2. Journal of Clinical Psychiatry, Aug, 73(7), 931-939.
- Spitzer, C., Wollburg, E., Aalderink, T., Jungbluth, G., & Armbrust, M. (2011). Dissoziation bei Borderline-Persönlichkeitsstörung: Häufigkeit, klinische Korrelate und Bedeutung für die Therapie. Neuro Aktuell, 8, 20-24.
- Wollburg, E., Roth, W.T., Meuret, A.E., & Kim, S. (2011). Effects of Breathing Training on Voluntary Hypo- and Hyperventilation in Patients with Panic Disorder and Episodic Anxiety. Applied Psychophysiology and Biofeedback, Jun, 36(2), 81-91.
- Doberenz, S., Roth, W.T., Maslowski, N., Wollburg, E., & Kim, S. (2011). Methodological Considerations in Ambulatory Skin Conductance Monitoring. International Journal of Psychophysiology, 80(2), 87-95.
- Doberenz, S., Roth, W.T., Wollburg, E., Breuninger, C., & Kim, S. (2010). Twenty-four Hour Skin Conductance in Panic Disorder. Journal of Psychiatric Research, 44, 1137-1147.
- Wollburg, E., & Braukhaus, C. (2010). Goal setting in psychotherapy: The relevance of approach and avoidance goals for treatment outcome. Psychotherapy Research, 20(4), 488-494.
- Wollburg, E., Roth, W.T., & Kim, S. (2009). Non-invasive Measurement of Voluntary Modification of Respiration: Transcutaneous versus End-tidal pCO2. International Journal of Psychophysiology, 71(2), 103-108.
- Wollburg, E., Roth, W.T., Conrad, A., Meuret, A.E., & Kim, S. (2008). Psychophysiological Reactions to two Levels of Voluntary Hyperventilation in Panic Disorder. Journal of Anxiety Disorder, 22(5), 886-898.
- Roth, W.T., Doberenz, S., Dietel, A., Conrad, A., Mueller, A., Wollburg, E., Meuret, A.E., Taylor, C.B., & Kim, S. (2008). Sympathetic Activation in Broadly Defined Generalized Anxiety Disorder. Journal of Psychiatric Research, 42(3), 205-12.
- Wollburg, E., Kim, S., Conrad, A., & Roth, W.T. (2007). Physiological Evaluation of Psychological Treatments for Anxiety. Expert Review of Neurotherapeutics, 7(2), 129-141.
- Wollburg, E., Roth, W.T., Conrad, A., Mueller, A., Doberenz, S., Meuret, A.E., & Kim, S. (2007). Are the Psychophysiological Responses to Voluntary Hyperventilation diagnostically specific to Panic Disorder? Depression and Anxiety, 24 (5), 371-373.
- Conrad, A., Mueller, A., Doberenz, S., Meuret, A.E., Wollburg, E., Kim, S., &, Roth, W.T. (2007). Psychophysiological Effects of Breathing Instructions for Stress Management. Applied Psychophysiology and Biofeedback, 32 (2), 89-98.
- Wollburg, E. (2016). Mental Healthcare in Germany – Opening a Private Practice. Annual conference of the Korean Clinical Psychology Association, Seoul, Korea.
- Harbeck, S., Kliem, S., Wollburg, E., Braukhaus, C., & Kröger, C. (2013). Remission, Response und deren Prädiktion bei stationären Depressionspatienten. Poster, Deutscher Kongress für Psychosomatische Medizin und Psychotherapie, Berlin, Germany.
- Voigt, K., Herzog, A., Langs, G., Wollburg, E., Weinmann, N., & Löwe, B. (2013). Was sagt die Diagnose über den Krankheitsverlauf? Prädiktive Validität des DSM-5-Entwurfs Somatic Symptom Disorder. Vortrag, Deutscher Kongress für Psychosomatische Medizin und Psychotherapie, Munich, Germany.
- Spitzer, C. , Wollburg, E., Aalderink, T., Woitag, R., & Armbrust, M. (2012). Königreich der Frauen, Land ohne Männer? Geschlechtsspezifika der Borderline-Persönlichkeitsstörung. Vortrag, Deutscher Kongress für Psychosomatische Medizin und Psychotherapie, Munich, Germany.
- Voigt, K., Nagel, A., Langs, G., Wollburg, E., Weinmann, N., Schmid, M., & Löwe, B. (2012). Vergleich bisheriger und zukünftiger Klassifikation somatoformer Störungen hinsichtlich Validität und Patientencharakteristika. Vortrag, Deutscher Kongress für Psychosomatische Medizin und Psychotherapie, Munich, Germany.
- Voigt, K., Nagel, A., Langs, G., Wollburg, E., Weinmann, N., Schmid, M., & Löwe, B. (2012). Diagnostic validity of complex somatic symptom disorder: Which combination of psychological criteria is best suited for DSM-V? Poster, Deutscher Kongress für Psychosomatische Medizin und Psychotherapie, Munich, Germany.
- Spitzer, C., Wollburg, E., Woitag, R., Aalderink, T., & Armbrust, M. (2011). Königreich der Frauen, Land ohne Männer? Geschlechtsspezifika der Borderline-Persönlichkeitsstörung. Poster, Deutscher Kongress für Psychosomatische Medizin und Psychotherapie, Essen, Germany.
- Nagel, A., Voigt, K., Langs, G., Wollburg, E., Weinmann, N., Schmid, M., & Löwe, B. (2011). Erfassung psychischer Symptome bei Patienten mit Somatoformen Störungen: Der Somatic Symptoms Experiences Questionnaire (SSEQ). Vortrag, Deutscher Kongress für Psychosomatische Medizin und Psychotherapie, Essen, Germany.
- Voigt, K., Nagel, A., Langs, G., Wollburg, E., Weinmann, N., Schmid, M., & Löwe, B. (2011). Von DSM-IV zu DSM-5: Vergleich bisheriger und zukünftiger Klassifikation somatoformer Störungen hinsichtlich Validität und Patientencharakteristika. Vortrag, Deutscher Kongress für Psychosomatische Medizin und Psychotherapie, Essen, Germany.
- Spitzer, C., Aalderink. T., Wollburg, E., Jungbluth, G., Löwe, B., Armbrust, M. (2010). Dissoziation bei der Borderline-Persönlichkeitsstörung: Häufigkeit, klinische Korrelate und Bedeutung für die Therapie. Poster, Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychiatrie, Psychotherapie und Nervenheilkunde (DGPPN), Berlin, Germany.
- Meyer, B., Osen, B., Wollburg, E., Schedler, K., Sonntag, M., & Löwe, B. (2010). Emotionale Akzeptanz als Wirkfaktor in der stationären Behandlung der Anorexia Nervosa: Prospektive naturalistische Studie. Vortrag, Deutsches Kollegium für Psychosomatische Medizin, Berlin, Germany.
- Nagel, A., Voigt, K., Meyer, B., Langs, G., Braukhaus, C., Wollburg, E., Weinmann, N., & Löwe, B. (2010). Somatoforme Störungen im DSM-5: Entwicklung eines Selbstbeurteilungsinstrumentes zur Fallidentifikation, Schweregradmessung und Verlaufsbeurteilung. Vortrag, Deutsches Kollegium für Psychosomatische Medizin, Berlin, Germany.
- Osen, B., & Wollburg, E., (2009). Effectiveness of a Multimodal Behavioral Inpatient Treatment for Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. Symposium, Annual Conference of the German Association for Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, Berlin, Germany.
- Kim, S., Wollburg, E., Tesler, N., & Roth, W.T. (2009). Effects of Capnometer-Assisted Breathing Therapy on Sleep in Panic Disorder Patients. Poster, 42nd Annual Conference of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, New York, USA.
- Doberenz, S., Roth, W.T., Wollburg, E., Breuninger, C., & Kim, S. (2009). Twenty-four hour skin conductance in panic disorder patients and healthy controls. Poster, 42nd Annual Conference of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, New York, USA.
- Doberenz, S., Kim, S., Wollburg, E., Maslowski, N.I., & Roth, W.T. (2009). Long-Term Electrodermal Recording: Examining Confounding Influences. Poster, 49th Annual Conference of the Society for Psychophysiological Research, Berlin, Germany.
- Kim, S., Wollburg, E., Tesler, N., & Roth, W.T. (2009). Effects of Breathing Therapy on sleep in Panic Disorder. Poster, 117th Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association, Toronto, Canada.
- Doberenz, S, Kim, S., Wollburg, E., Maslowski, N., & Roth, W.T. (2009). Confounding influences on long-term electrodermal recording. Poster, 40th Annual Conference of the International Society of Psychoneuroendocrinology, San Francisco, USA.
- Kim, S. & Wollburg, E., (2009). Breathing Therapy to Raise vs. Lower End-tidal pCO2 to treat Panic Disorder. Vortrag, 29th Annual Convention of the Anxiety Disorders Association of America, Santa Ana Pueblo, USA.
- Doberenz, S., Roth, W.T., Wollburg, E., Breuninger, C., & Kim, S. (2009). Twenty-four hour Skin Conductance in Panic Disorder. Poster, 29th Annual Convention of the Anxiety Disorders Association of America, Santa Ana Pueblo, USA.
- Wollburg, E., Roth, W.T., Meuret, E., & Kim, S. (2008). Psychophysiological Effects of Respiratory Challenges in Anxious Patients before and after Breathing Training. Poster, 41st Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, Orlando, USA.
- Kim, S., Roth, W.T., Duca, L., Joyce, E., & Wollburg, E. (2008). Effect of Biofeedback Assisted Breathing Training on PTSD Symptoms. Poster, 41st Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, Orlando, USA.
- Kim, S., Wollburg, E., Meuret, A. E., S. Sauvé, J., & Roth, W. T. (2008). Does Capnometer-assisted Breathing Therapy Work in Episodic Anxiety by Changing Cognition? Poster, 41st Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, Orlando, USA.
- Kim, S, Wollburg, E., Yiaslas, T., & Roth, W. T. (2008). Effects of therapeutic relationship, expectancy, and credibility on treatment outcome. Poster, 116th Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association, Boston, USA.
- Kim, S, Meuret, A. E., Wollburg, E., & Roth, W. T. (2008). Breathing Therapy by Raising vs. Lowering End-tidal pCO2 to Treat Panic Disorder. Vortrag, 28th Annual Convention of the Anxiety Disorders Association of America, Savannah, USA.
- Kim, S., Wollburg, E., Meuret, A. E., S. Sauvé, J., & Roth, W. T. (2008). Raising vs. Lowering End-Tidal pCO2 to Treat Anxiety Attacks. Poster, 28th Annual Convention of the Anxiety Disorders Association of America, Savannah, USA.
- Kim, S, Wollburg, E., & Roth, W. T. (2007). Raising vs. Lowering End-Tidal pCO2 to Treat Panic Disorder Effects on Anxiety and Breathing Patterns. Poster, 41st Annual Meeting of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, Philadelphia, USA.
- Wollburg, E., Roth, W.T., Conrad, A., Meuret, E., & Kim, S. (2007). Psychophysiological Reactions to different levels of Hyperventilation among Panic Disorder. Poster, 115th Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association, San Francisco, USA.
- Kim, S., Roth, W.T., Duca, L., Joyce, E., & Wollburg, E., (2007). Anxiety Sensitivity, Trauma, and PTSD in Patients with Panic Disorder. Poster, 115th Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association, San Francisco, USA.
- Kim, S., Wollburg, E., Roth, W.T. (2007). Effects of Biofeedback Assisted Breathing Therapy on Anxiety and Relaxation of Panic Patients. Poster, 27th Anxiety Disorders Association of America, St. Louis, USA.
- Wollburg, E., Kim, S., Conrad, A., & Roth, W.T. (2007). Evaluating Psychological Anxiety Therapies Physiologically: A review. Vortrag, 38th Annual Meeting for the Applied Psychophysiology & Biofeedback, Monterey, USA.
- Kim, S., Meuret, A.E., Roth, W.T., & Wollburg, E., (2007). Raising vs. Lowering end-tidal pCO2 to treat Panic. Vortrag, 38th Annual Meeting for the Applied Psychophysiology & Biofeedback, Monterey, USA.
- Conrad, A., Kim, S., Wollburg, E., & Roth, W.T. (2007). Physiological Effects of Applied Relaxation in Generalized Anxiety Disorder. Vortrag, 38th Annual Meeting for the Applied Psychophysiology & Biofeedback, Monterey, USA.
- Wollburg, E., Kim, S., Conrad, A., & Roth, W.T. (2007). Evaluating Psychological Anxiety Therapies Physiologically. Vortrag, Psychiatric Research Society Annual Meeting, Salt Lake City, USA.
- Kim, S., Meuret, A.E., Roth, W.T., & Wollburg, E. (2007). Raising vs. Lowering end-tidal pCO2 to treat Panic. Vortrag, Psychiatric Research Society Annual Meeting, Salt Lake City, USA.
- Kim, S., Roth, W.T., & Wollburg, E. (2006). Effects of Biofeedback Assisted Breathing Therapy on Anxiety and Relaxation of Panic Patients. Poster, 40th Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, Chicago, USA.
- Kim, S., Roth, W.T., Duca, L., Joyce, E., Meuret, A.E., & Wollburg, E. (2006). Trauma, Panic Disorder, and PTSD. Poster, 22nd International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies, A., USA.
- Wollburg, E., Roth, W.T., Song, J.Y., Conrad, A., Meuret, E., & Kim, S. (2006). Psychophysiological Responses of Panic Patients and Controls to Voluntary Hyperventilation. Poster, 13th International Society for the Advancement of Respiratory Psychophysiology, Newport, USA.
- Wollburg, E., Roth, W.T., Conrad, A., Mueller, A., Doberenz, S., Meuret, E., & Kim, S. (2006). Are the Psychophysiological Responses to Voluntary Hyperventilation diagnostically specific to Panic Disorder? Poster, 26th Anxiety Disorders Association of America, Miami, USA.
- Roth, W.T., Doberenz, S., Mueller, A., Wollburg, E., Conrad, A., Taylor, C.B, & Kim, S. (2006). Generalized Anxiety Disorder: Whom are we missing? Vortrag, 26th Anxiety Disorders Association of America, Miami, USA.
- Roth, W.T., Kim, S., Wollburg, E., Conrad, A., Doberenz, S., Mueller, A., & Meuret, A.E. (2006). Breathing Training Therapies in Panic Disorder. Vortrag, 26th Anxiety Disorders Association of America, Miami, USA.
- Conrad, A., Mueller, A., Meuret, A.E., Doberenz, S., Wollburg, E., Kim, S., & Roth, W.T. (2006). Psychophysiological Effects of Breathing Instructions in Treatment Seekers with Panic Disorder or Chronic Tension. Poster, 26th Anxiety Disorders Association of America, Miami, USA.
- Conrad, A., Mueller, A., Meuret, A.E., Doberenz, S., Wollburg, E., Kim, S., & Roth, W.T. (2006). Breathing Instructions in Stress Management: What are the Psychophysiological Effects? Vortrag, Psychiatric Research Society Annual Meeting, Park City, USA.
- Roth, W.T., Kim, S., Wollburg, E., Conrad, A., Doberenz, S., Mueller, A., & Meuret, A.E. (2005). Breathing Training Therapies in Panic Disorder. Vortrag, 25th Anxiety Disorders Association of America, Seattle, USA.
- Wollburg, E., Roth, W. T., Conrad, A., Mueller, A., Doberenz, S., Meuret, A. E., & Kim, S. (2005). Psychophysiological Reactions to a Hyperventilation Test among Anxious Patients. Vortrag, 3rd Annual International Conference on Panic Attacks, Philadelphia, USA.
- Roth, W. T., Kim, S., Wollburg, E., Conrad, A., Doberenz, S., Mueller, A., & Meuret, A. E. (2005). Clinical Anxiety and Respiration: Palo Alto Studies in Progress. Vortrag, 12th Annual Meeting of the International Society for the Advancement of Respiratory Psychophysiology, Hamburg, Germany.
- Mueller, A., Roth, W. T., Conrad, A., Doberenz, S., Wollburg, E., Kim, S., & Meuret, A. E. (2005). Psychophysiological Responses to Breathing Instructions. Vortrag, 12th Annual Meeting of the International Society for the Advancement of Respiratory Psychophysiology, Hamburg, Germany.
- Roth, W. T., Doberenz, S., Mueller, A., Wollburg, E., Kim, S., & Meuret, A.E. (2005). A Sympathetic Indicator of Chronic Psychic Tension. Vortrag, 45th Annual Meeting of the Society for Psychophysiological Research, Lisbon, Portugal.
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